Principal's Message

By Kate Nicholson | Posted: Sunday November 10, 2019


As I write this today, we have our Year 7s visiting the Āraiteuru Marae, the Year 8s are on camp at Pukerau and are having a wonderful time by all accounts, and the Year 10s are taking part in a full day sexuality programme. Thank you to all those staff who continue to create and run meaningful, educational programmes for our students in the last few weeks of the school year. There has been very positive feedback about the sexuality programme that has been run for our year 7-10 students during the last two weeks. We appreciate your trust in us to deliver these programmes that help to prepare your young people for the future, with the clear message about the sanctity of life, self-respect and the value of a respectful relationship because everyone is made in the image and likeness of God.

At this time of year there is always some staffing movement in schools. At the end of the year we will be farewelling long serving staff members Mrs Paula Stewart and Mrs Sharon McKay. There will be an opportunity for our students to farewell these two special women at the final junior Mass. Our equally long serving caretaker, Mr Dave Eathorne will hang up his tools early next year as he moves into a slower pace of life from February. We will make sure that these people are generously thanked for all their service to Kavanagh College. I am pleased to announce that we have appointed a new DRS team to look after the RE curriculum area and contribute to the special character ‘life’ of the college. We look forward to welcoming Mr Pesa Tili into the college to work closely with Mrs Kathleen O’Kane as they coordinate this important part of Kavanagh College.

We are currently reviewing the Science Department as part of our commitment to ongoing school review and you will have received an email about a parent and whanau survey. Apologies to those who were unable to open the link earlier in the week. This has now been fixed and I would appreciate your input into this review. The survey will be open until the end of the week.

Good luck to our teams taking part in the Junior Sports Week being run by Otago Secondary Schools Sport next week. And of course, please continue to keep our senior students in your prayers as they complete their NCEA exams.

Have a wonderful week,

Kate Nicholson